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    Project Change is a multi-disciplinary non-profit initiative. Financially independent from the government, we offer complimentary services to youths arrested during the Hong Kong protests in 2019, including psychological counselling, juridical process support, and a comprehensive reintegration program.

    Our Mission

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    Over 10,000 citizens have been arrested in Hong Kong for their participation in the 2019 anti-Extradition Bill protests, of which over 6,500 were under the age of 25.
    Founded in 2020, Project Change’s mission is to support these 6,500 youths and their loved ones in overcoming hardships.

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    Seek Help

    If you would like to enroll in our program or wish to refer a case to us,
    please contact our hotline at

    Latest News

    • Engineering a new start for young Hongkongers convicted over 2019 protests


      Engineering a new start for young Hongkongers convicted over 2019 protests

      SCMP, 16 June 2024 Hong Kong Institute of Engineers says it wants to promote ‘reconciliation’ and give much-needed professionals a second chance Hong Kong’s professional body for engineers wants to promote “reconciliation” through a task force set up to help rehabilitate young members convicted for involvement in the 2019 protests. The Hong Kong Institute of Engineers (HKIE)…

    • 「蛻變計劃」學者團隊 至今助 49 反修例案青年


      「蛻變計劃」學者團隊 至今助 49 反修例案青年

      【明報專訊】反修例風波有唔少年輕人被捕,多名學者組成「Project Change 蛻 變計劃」提供支援,該計劃近日發表中期報告,透露由去年 6 月中成立起,已為 49 個涉案年輕人提供輔導,當中 7 個參與計劃嘅少年犯案時未滿 16 歲,平均年 齡 18.9 歲。已結案嘅 10 宗案件中,有一宗以「簽保守行為」結案,另外被判感 化令、更生中心及勞教中心各有一宗,仲有 6 宗判監 7 至 20 個星期不等。 49 個參與計劃嘅年輕人共面對 56 項控罪,當中包括 19 項暴動罪、11 項管有物 品意圖摧毁或損壞財產罪等。 該計劃的團隊包括港大香港經濟及商業策略研究所榮譽副教授宋陳寶蓮、中大經 濟系客座教授宋恩榮、美國克林信大學經濟系副教授徐家健等,主要對象係 25 歲以下青少年。除咗 49 名涉案年輕人,亦為佢哋共 95 名親人、監護人提供輔 導。計劃形容反修例風波涉案青少年多數行為良好,團隊會撰寫「社會心理專家 報告」,為佢哋爭取警司警誡、撤控守行為兩種不留案底嘅安排,如果被定罪, 亦會撰寫報告向法庭爭取社會服務令、感化令等最適合更生嘅處分。

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