Prof. Sung-Chan received her Doctor of Philosophy from University of Nottingham, England. Currently, she is the founding director of the Citizen Action Design Limited (a policy think tank). Since February 2020, she has served as an honorary associate professor of the Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy. She is a research investigator at the Prevention Research Center of Washington University in St Louis, USA.
Prof Sung-Chan had served two years at the Institute for Public Policy of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as an adjunct associate professor from 2017 to 2019. She had been a visiting Professor at the School of Medicine of Tongji University, Shanghai, China from 2015 to 2018. She had been an Associate Professor at Department of Applied Social Sciences of Hong Kong Polytechnic University from 1994 to 2015. Her other high-level appointments include: Deputy Director of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University -Peking University Social Work Research Center, Fulbright Senior Research Scholar of Washington University in St Louis (2011-2012), USA, and visiting scholar at Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Prof. Sung-Chan has been actively involved in promoting social work development and social work education in mainland China since the early 1990. She had played a pivotal role in developing the first Master of Social Work program in mainland China in collaboration with the Department of Sociology at Peking University to offer a training of the trainer’s program. She was appointed as the founding director for the MSW program from the cohort of 2002 to 2003.
Since 2012, Prof. Sung Chan has conducted several innovative public health research studies with cross discipline research team to promote and implement scientific research in Mainland China and Hong Kong. She has collaborated with various organizations including the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, and Jockey Club School of Public Health of Hong Kong Chinese University. Her most recent groundbreaking research has been a cross-university and cross-discipline research on promoting social mobility through an evidence-based e-parenting program. This Early Childhood Investment Initiative (2017-2020) is first of its kind in Hong Kong and Mainland China.
Her research interest includes organisational learning and transformation, action research, social mobility, adolescent obesity, adolescent mental health, families in Transition in Mainland China, professional education effectiveness, and cross-country evidence-based research.