Dr Alastair Mah is the Vice President of Medical Affairs at New Frontier Health, and Clinical Academic Executive Director at New Frontier Group.
Dr Mah is the professional lead for all medical staff and services, and is responsible for the clinical strategy, quality of clinical services, as well as academic governance across the organisation.
Prior to coming back to China, Dr Mah gathered extensive hospital management experience at metropolitan and regional Australian health services, including as the Chief Medical Officer at a number of large academic health services in Victoria. He also worked at the Hong Kong Hospital Authority’s Quality and Safety Division before joining New Frontier Health.
He holds Fellowships with the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators, Hong Kong College of Community Medicine, Australasian College of Health Service Management and Hong Kong College of Health Service Executives.
Being a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Dr Mah served as a Board Director for the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators, the Rural Workforce Agency of Victoria and the Geelong Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases.
His interests are in clinical governance, leadership and the application of artificial intelligence in healthcare settings. He has been appointed Clinical Associate Professor at Deakin University’s School of Medicine since 2014, and also professorial appointments at both The University of Hong Kong and The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Dr Mah continues to be an Assessor for the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards, and serves as an Advisor to Our Hong Kong Foundation and is the member of the RACMA Clinical Governance Advisory Group.